Bad day.
Started off with bad eggs.
First set too raw! 2nd set hard boiled?!
No lunch due to crisis meeting.
At 9pm, I open my daobao-ed dinner.
So hungry I stood in the kitchen to eat the winglet
( Saffi puppy eyed me the whole time )
There was only one chicken wing, so no sharing Saffi darling.
I tossed the bone and I brought the beehoon up to my room.
2 mouthful, another crisis situation.
I gave up not hungry anymore.
When all is over,
I lamented if I should eat the drumlet.
I walked away.
BUT PAUSED, on the floor there a chicken bone on the paper.
Did one of the cat ate the drumlet?
Closer look, it is winglet from 2nd floor!
Not my day...