Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Pesky Little Ones

Been trying to catch up with my super overdue paper works. Sigh and the little ones decided to wake.
Elliot started jumping up into the shelf, was was making quite a bit of movement sound. I had to go check to make sure there's nothing fragile. He was trying to squeeze his fat ass into the basket, he squeeze and squeeze as the basket rocks. And Saffi decide to be adventurous too, she climb up the book shelf and try to walk toward Elliot. So Elliot stuck his head out of the shelf to watch saffi, and there stay at they comfortable distance.

Then Oscar starts meowing, asking for food. Sigh... it is only 3 hours ago he and Saffi snacked. I took out 2 spoons of food. Saffi and Oscar ate. And Elliot finish up the leftover from Saffi, he must be hungry too.

Now after eating, not sure where are they now. But good, keep it this way.


Blogger Davester said...

The sheep looks like Saffi's personal toy.

8 December 2007 at 00:05  
Blogger cat_aunty said...

I think you shld sleep earlier lah.

8 December 2007 at 13:10  

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