Saturday, 14 July 2007

Beauty Sleep

Saffi slept beside pillow like a ball the whole night. It's now 2PM on a Saturday afternoon still sleeping.

The boys banged the bedroom door and I let them in at 8am in the morning, they came in for a pee and were ushered out of the door after.



Blogger Davester said...

she really looks like one of those posh aristocrats with her white paws/gloves.

14 July 2007 at 19:01  
Blogger cat_aunty said...

Poor Safi....are u ill?? *pat pat*

U put the litterbins in your room?? Won't that be olfactorily offensive?

15 July 2007 at 01:05  
Blogger verywanderful said...

In the toliet in the bedroom, circulation still quite bad, so whenever one poo,I have to clean it, so I have not been sleeping well. Good thing no one poo till afternoon today, so slept more.

15 July 2007 at 02:04  
Blogger cat_aunty said...

I see. I don't know how the geography of your flat is like, but I suggest putting the litter bins in the kitchen or in the other bathroom/toilet. Or balcony if you have one?

Just worried about our health, thats all.

Can the cats run about freely in the house?

15 July 2007 at 10:00  
Blogger sweetsoursalty cat said...


Except Saaaaafffffiiiii

16 July 2007 at 00:40  
Blogger verywanderful said...

Cat auntie: Now I allow the cats to run freely in the day time. Evening time they will all come back up for dinner and spend the night with me.

Think the whole house ventilation is bad. Air not flowing in and out well. Low floor too close to main road, when I open the window for 30 min, I have to re-sweep the floor.

Hope the cats will all fine tune to my sleeping tim soon. They are all sleeping now, but I can't sleep yet.

16 July 2007 at 00:49  
Blogger whimmykimmy said...

So cuuuute..! Want to snuggle up with her.

16 July 2007 at 04:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she still runs to the gate when she hears someone coming, expecting you to turn up. (when she's not zzing, or intensely rubbing against my bag) - dave

16 July 2007 at 09:16  

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